Book Idea Audit

I bet you’ve had a book idea (or a bunch of ideas) in your head for a loooong time…

…And you’re annoyed that you still want to do it and it’s just not getting done…

I have an idea, but is it a book?

I have an idea, but is it a book?

I bet these thoughts take up your mental real estate:

  • You think you don’t have enough clarity on or confidence in your book idea? You have a lot of ideas… how do you know which one is the best?

  • You feel a little intimidated and overwhelmed by the enormity of the task of writing a book?

  • You know there’s a lot you don’t know about publishing: do you need an agent? How do you get one?

  • You wonder if you have the right credentials and experience for this?

  • You want to know what can you expect in terms of time, money, and effort? Is it even worth doing?

I’m here to tell you:

You CAN write the book you secretly want to write,
the one that helps a lot of people with your message or your method,
and get it published.

I got you.

Imagine if…

  • You finally felt confident starting your book!

  • You could clearly envision what your book was about and who it was for!

  • You knew you are the only person who could write this particular book!

  • You had a document and feedback to use as the springboard for your book or your book proposal!

Do you wish you could have an expert take a look at your book idea and tell you if it's good enough to be a book? And how to do it?

In this special offer, I provide ten targeted questions to you, designed to elicit the form and content of your book idea. I review your answers and and give you my professional opinion and suggestions for how to make it even better and what to do next. 

If you:
- Worry you don’t have enough clarity on your book idea
- Have a lot of ideas and aren't sure how to choose
- Wonder if you have the right credentials and experience  
- Need to know if you should pursue your goal of writing and publishing a book

The Book Idea Audit is the very first step to take. It will provide you with the valuable insights you need to make decisions about what comes next.

The Book Idea Audit is a fast -- and inexpensive -- way to test whether your book idea can be turned into a book.

  • Upon purchasing this offer, you will be given a link to a detailed form to fill in so I can get a full picture of your book idea. 

  • Ten targeted and in-depth questions about your book idea encourage clarity and focus. This is where you get your idea out of your head and onto the page in a meaningful way so that the book starts to take shape!

  • Once I receive your information, I will record a screenshare video of me going through the form, asking questions for you to consider, offering suggestions and feedback, and providing examples for reference. 

  • You will receive your video within two business days so you can start iterating your book idea -- fast!

  • The goal of this offer is to answer the aspiring author's burning question: "I have an idea, but is it a book?" -- and explain how to get it there.

I coach aspiring nonfiction authors to transform book ideas into killer book proposals that attract agents and publishers.

It all starts by getting the idea out of your head and getting useful, qualified feedback.

  • I’m a traditionally published author and Author Accelerator certified book coach.

  • I know the publishing landscape and the rules for playing the publishing game. I will share my knowledge with you so you can make the best decisions for your goals, including whether and how to find an agent.

  • I use my expertise to edit when necessary and question, reflect, and provide feedback to bring your best book out of you.

  • I take the fear, dread, and overwhelm out of what feels intimidating. I got you.

Don’t just take my word for it!

  • I'm accustomed to writing short forms. Writing a book is a different story! Amy created the accountability and guidance to do something I'd always wanted to do but had been too intimidated to attempt.

    — Kate Evans, Prescriptive Nonfiction Writer, represented by Cindy Bullard of Birch Literary

  • A huge step up in confidence. Which came from working with you, through the coaching sessions and the homework assigned, but more importantly also offline.

    — Nirupa Umapathy, Memoir/Essay Writer

  • If I didn't have some accountability and structure for writing this book, I would likely put it off inevitably. The structured approach is so helpful!!

    — Tosca Fasso, Prescriptive Nonfiction Writer

Ready to answer the question: I have an idea, but is it a book?

(Yes, you are.)