Why ask why?

I saw a post on LinkedIn in user research circles of a Venn Diagram where the intersection of UX Research, Backstreet Boys, and 4-year-olds is “Tell Me Why.” (Credit due to Courtney Dunn-Snede.) It’s funny because it’s true: researchers always ask why to get at the deepest possible meaning for the user. Researchers don’t settle for the first, or easiest, answer.

It also happens to be true for book coaches. We always ask why writers make their choices to ensure they are being made with intention. Why would a writer choose a fractured narrative, or a non-linear approach, or certain exercises to include in their book? It can’t be because it’s easy; it has to be for a very good reason.

Lucky for me, Erin of erinwritesmagic.com, another book coach, rustled up a visual just for book coaches and writers. Always ask why you’re making this choice or that choice in your writing. Or ask a book coach for help to get at your why.

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