What’s new?

Happy New Year!

It seems like every January, I go through a period of trying new things. New haircut, new glasses, new workout routine. I’m not sure why; it’s not like I make resolutions to change these things. But the desire to try something new is probably related to the “newness” of the year and the ability to make a fresh start. Hooray for opportunities to try something new!

On the other hand, it seems that this year, what I call the “buckets” of things I want to work on are the same as last year. I’m still working on my micro memoir; I’m working on essays for public consumption; I’m working on content for my business and for my ideal client.

In the spirit of trying something new while working on the same old stuff, here’s what’s new, improved, and always a work-in-progress around here:

I coach aspiring nonfiction authors to write killer book proposals that attract agents and publishers.

Is that you? Have you always (maybe secretly) wanted to write a nonfiction book and get it published? And have that sense of accomplishment and pride that YOU DID IT?

But then do you get overwhelmed by what you know you don’t know about writing and publishing? Feel like you don’t know if your idea is any good, or how to isolate one solid idea out of all the ideas you have? So you just put it off?

All of that is NORMAL. 

No published author EVER just sat down and wrote a book and got it published in one fell swoop. Writing and publishing a book is a complex, multi-faceted process, and no one does it alone.

Let me prove it to you with a story about Kate:

Kate had an idea for a book on decluttering and no prior book-writing experience. Just the long-held desire to write a book, an amorphous idea, and the willingness to achieve her dream.

On a regular schedule of completing assignments and meeting via Zoom for editorial feedback from me, she fleshed out and honed her idea into a pitch-ready book proposal and sample chapters.

Kate’s book proposal for Ditch Your Sh*t: Declutter the Crap Out of Your Life and Home was runner-up in the 2022 Book Pipeline Unpublished contest and she signed a contract with an agent in 2023.

Here’s what she said about working with me:

“Amy created the accountability and guidance to do something I'd always wanted to do but had been too intimidated to attempt. I had zero idea that writing a book required so much. I wouldn't have a book if it wasn't for Amy! I didn't know you needed a process. I just thought you wrote a book. I didn't understand how much I needed what she had to offer. Amy helped so much with the structure of my book. I was all over the place and she kept pulling me back in. I needed the accountability and the honesty. Not to mention her experience and expertise.”

This is what I do. I help you make your dream come true.

If this sounds like you, I invite you to a complimentary discovery call with me.

If this sounds like someone you know, please forward this to them!

If you want to know more, please visit my website: www.amygoldmacher.com

I only work with a small number of aspiring nonfiction authors with whom I can make a significant impact. Let’s make your dream of writing and publishing a book happen!

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Your voyage begins here…


What are you proud of accomplishing this year?