Psst… Wanna write a book?

Hey you… Wanna write a book?

Remember Lefty the Salesman from Sesame Street?

He was always trying to get Ernie to buy a vowel or a number...

I remember him as offering Ernie something he secretly wanted… 

And this is kind of how I think of myself as a book coach:

You = secretly/deep down want to write a book

Me = I can help you with that

“But Amy, I couldn’t possibly write a book right now!”

I got you. I get you! It feels like now is the worst time. But as you know, and as I wrote last week, there’s never going to be a “good” time to write a book. Let's use your constraints as motivation!

You deserve to go for what you want. Right now. Just as you are.

Let’s take the overwhelm out of the big goal

I think there’s a myth out there that makes us think if we just sit down and devote a bunch of time to it, a book will magically come out.

It’s not true. In reality, it’s a process. It takes time plus planning plus inspiration plus dedication. Plus craft plus revision plus feedback plus… I won’t lie to you - writing a book is a long, hard journey, but it starts with simple steps. I have a process that will take us from beginning to end.

Let’s work on one small, manageable piece at a time

Got one idea or a million ideas? Great! Let’s start there. A free, quick call with me will get you some clarity and empower you to decide whether now really is the time to start - or not.

Let’s do this together!

You are worthy of receiving support.

So - hey you! Yeah, you, the busy entrepreneur who has a million ideas and is juggling a million things and wants to write a book but couldn't possibly take on one more commitment right now.

Yes you can! This is my superpower. I help people just like you take manageable, actionable steps towards your dream of writing a deeply impactful book that also helps you build your empire.

What’s holding you back from starting your dream book project? I’d love to hear, because I’m cooking up some new offerings. Contact me to let me know!

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The Value of Constraints, Round 2


The best time to start writing a book